Moxi Laser FAQ’s

Like to know more about Moxi Laser? See our Frequently Asked Question section below. If you have a question that is no answered below please contact us by emailing or speak with your Bloom Skin Technician.

Moxi FAQ’s

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  • Laser energy creates micro-coagulation zones which the body then repairs, replacing damaged cells with fresh new ones, that also triggering pigment removal as well as activating the skin's natural repair processes. This micro-damage causes the rebuilding of collagen, a protein key to keeping the skin youthful-looking and full of volume skin.

    MOXI is designed to provide tonal and textural improvements to your face with low downtime, resulting in skin renewal. MOXI treatments prevent lines and wrinkles while improving the integrity and structure of the skin.

  • Yes! Melasma is a type of hyperpigmentation that is very hard to treat. It looks like bilateral, blotchy, brownish spots mostly in the face and most common in women and dark skin types. UV radiation, pregnancy, contraceptive pills, hormonal unbalance – all that can cause melasma.

    If you have suffered with Melasma you’ve likely heard that a laser treatment can actually make the condition worse as lasers produce too much heat and melasma can be triggered by it.

    Until now now, patients with darker Fitzpatrick skin types (IV, V & VI) suffering from hyperpigmentation and/or Melasma were limited by the type of treatment options available. Today, Moxi laser is breaking boundaries to make healthy, glowing skin accessible to everyone as it’s safe and gentle type of laser with amazing results.

    Here at Bloom Skin Aesthetics we’ve developed exclusive treatment protocols for treating Melasma in all skin types.

  • After initial consultation we take your before photos and apply numbing cream to make the treatment as much comfortable as possible. The actual treatment takes only 7-10 minutes for the whole face and neck so it’s quick and easy. You will have protective glasses on your eyes and you will feel a slight prickling sensation on the treated area.

    We have 3 levels of intensity of the treatment that we choose depending on the skin concerns and effect we want to achieve. Level 1 is the lightest with very little to no downtime. Levels 2 and 3 are more advanced and give more improvement for the skin but also means there will be more downtime. Mostly after level 3 you can expect the following:

    • The treated area may be extremely warm for 1-2 hours after the treatment.

    • Warmth may continue for 12-24 hours after the treatment.

    • Cold compresses may provide comfort during this time. Also, a mineral water spray might provide some relief and much needed moisture to the skin.

    Redness is normal and expected. Redness generally increases in intensity for the first few days after treatment with day 3 usually being the most intense. Redness can persist for up to 7 days depending on the intensity treatment. Use gentle cleansers and keep your skin moisturized and out of the sun which will allow your skin time to heal and limit further stress on your skin.

    MENDs (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) will appear on the 2nd or 3rd day after treatment as tiny dark spots and bronzed appearance to the treated skin. MENDs are part of the healing process where treated tissue is working its way out of your body as new fresh skin is regenerated. During this time, your skin will be very dry and feel like sandpaper before flaking and peeling off. Keep your skin well moisturized to support the healing process. Do not pick at your skin.

    We will provide you with the best skin care options and in case of Melasma some prescription only topicals.

  • Results vary depending on your treatment goals and treatment intensity.

    Most clients will need 3-4 treatments once a month for optimal results and then 2-4 treatments yearly to maintain clear and healthy skin. But even one session of Moxi will be very beneficial for the skin.

    Your Bloom Skin Technician will discuss your skin concerns and treatment recommendations with you.

  • You should! If you don’t have Melasma the best treatment combo will be BBL Hero + Moxi on the same appointment for total skin transformation. Read more about our favourite BBL Hero BroadBand Light treatment below.

BBL Hero & Moxi Before and Afters

These results speak for themselves…