Balanced & Bright Essentials Pack

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Designed for those with oily skin, the Balanced & Bright Pack aims to regulate oil flow within the skin and maintain the skin's pH balance. Suitable for those concerned with dull skin and dark circles, the gentle citric action of Creme Citrique aims to brighten the overall skin tone. In convenient travel size bottles, never leave the house without the essential DMK skincare products!

This pack contains:
Herb & Mineral Mist
Crème Citrique Soleil Protect SPF 15+
Choice of Deep Pore or Milk Cleanser

Want to order this product online? Due to the high levels of active ingredients included in these products we are unable to sell them online unless you are an existing Bloom client. If you are an existing Bloom DMK client and would like to purchase DMK skincare products for home delivery please click the button below.

Note: you will need a DMK Portal login - If you do not already have this please click the “Request Access” button below and we will create a login for you.

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